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Annual General Meeting.png

The Bethune College Council is once again hosting a general meeting!


These meetings are incredibly important to not only members of Council, but to constituents as well. Therefore, all Bethune constituents are welcome and encouraged to join. This includes: The Faculty of Science and The Lassonde School of Engineering!

This year's AGM will take place on zoom thorugh the link below. There will be $500 worth of raffle prizes to be given out!


Once a year Bethune College Council hosts our Annual General Meeting where all students are invited to attend, vote on by-laws, constitutional changes, and share your views on the Bethune College Council throughout the year!


General meetings are an essential part of the operations of your student Council. It gives constituents an opportunity to meet the council, ask questions, be fiscally transparent and receive information about the college. The services council provides and the way council provides them is decided on and discussed in these meetings. Members can vote on changes and additions to the governing documents of the BCC.


Your voice is extremely important and necessary for an effective Council!


Any and all services we provide to Bethune constituents are mandated by the Council's governing documents. As per these documents, specially important decisions must be presented to the student-body for review. These could affect any services or spaces we provide, or future initiatives which might have a direct impact on your time here at Bethune College. Check out our governing documents and our services below!


You may feel confused or intimidated by the terms used on this page, or in the general meeting; that is okay. To help you out, we've defined a few here.

  • Motion: A formal request to do something in the meeting. Some motions require a vote, whilst others do not. Voted decisions are motions and, sometimes, the scope of their subject matters extend beyond the current meeting, making them binding in other contexts. They can be used to ratify or amend governing documents.

  • Discussion Point: A topic to be formally discussed during the meeting. Typically these discussions take place after the motions.

  • Quorum: The minimum number of individuals in attendance needed for the votes in the meeting to be valid. If quorum is lost, the subsequent votes are invalidated and, thus, rendered non-binding. This also applies retroactively.

  • POC: A Point Of Clarification. If, at any point during the meeting, you have a non-argumentative question, seek clarification on something said, or would like to request that some relevant information be disclosed or checked, you can make one of these points by raising three (3) fingers, or sending a "3" in the Zoom chat.


The meeting agenda is the document that will guide what decisions will be voted on, and what topics will be discussed during the meeting.


Once the meeting starts, the agenda cannot be changed.


Please submit any Constitutional changes or discussion points before March 22nd!


Please look at the following links below to review all the relevant constitutional changes.

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