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Applications for hired volunteer positions are open from March 4th - March 17th


For any questions regarding the hiring process, contact

Hiring Council Positions:

Vice-President Finance:

Refer to Government Documents

  1. Be available on a weekly basis at regular office hours during the Summer semester for training and duties;

  2. Be responsible for the accounting of all receipts and disbursements for the BCC. they shall dispense funds of the BCC, under the direction of the BCC, and shall be one of at least two co-signers for BCC accounts. They shall be accountable to the BCC for all transactions carried out by them in their role of Vice-President Finance;

  3. Have the authority to examine the books, records and assets of all clubs and organizations operating under the auspices of the BCC at any time; if the need arises they may freeze their accounts or allocation, with the approval of the President, and shall so report to the BCC at its next meeting;

  4. Have the authority to sign any contracts documents on behalf of the BCC that do not involve any amount in excess of $1,500, without requiring immediate or prior BCC ratification; all such acts shall be reported on at the subsequent meeting of the BCC;

  5. Present BCC with a budget at the start of each semester with money spent and allocated; present monthly financial statements and projections to Council;

  6. Oversee the creation and adherence to ticket sale procedures, internal controls, reconciliation of finances and deposits of cash on an event-to-event basis;

  7. Consult with the Finance Committee and Council concerning any accounts payable which do not pertain to a specific budget

  8. Ensure with the President that the following criteria are met and reconciled with SC&LD such that Council can complete its annual audit, and receive funding:

  9. Ensure that the Interim Audit is completed by end of January;

  10. In addition, at the end of the fiscal year, accounts that the Vice-President Finance administers shall be audited by an accredited Chartered Accountant, appointed by the BCC, with the results being made available for inspection by the BCC and the College Community;

  11. Monitor and report any inconsistencies in Council’s banking accounts and Courtesy Account(s) as they arise;

  12. Advise the BCC on financial matters and shall give due warning to the BCC of any financial difficulties or opportunities they may perceive with respect to the BCC's affairs. Failure to so warn the BCC can be considered grounds for recall (refer to Bylaw 1, Article XII (2));

  13. The term of office for the Vice-President Finance shall end on the last day of May in the period between hiring the new Vice- President Finance and the end of term of the current Vice-President Finance, the current Vice-President Finance shall engage in full training activities for the incumbent reporting to the BCC frequently on the status of training;​


Vice-President Socials:

Refer to Government Documents

  1. Hold monthly Social Committee meetings during the Summer semester to prepare all events for the upcoming Academic year (September-April inclusive);

  2. Hold bi-weekly Social Committee meetings during the Fall/Winter semesters

  3. Plan and coordinate the end of year Formal and any other formals that the BCC approves throughout the academic year;

  4. Collaborate and plan at least one (1) events with the Bethune Clubs and Affiliates

  5. Work with the YFS director to avoid conflicting events when possible

  6. Organize and propose an outline of the details of a year-end Formal, and present to Council an outline of the details of the event, and estimated costs, by the first meeting of January

  7. Submit to the Vice-President Finance an event budget at least one month prior to each event, ensuring that all events are within budget;

  8. Produce and maintain a budget to be presented at Finance Committee meetings when changes are made

  9. Have all events for the Academic Year (September-April inclusive), planned and approved by BCC no later than July 31rst.

  10. Work with the Vice-President Communications to make sure that all events are promoted in a timely and effective manner;

  11. Keep a full set of book and records in proper order, including records of all business contacts in the BCC Business Contact Log-Book and available for inspection at any time by the Council, to be handed over to next Vice-President Social at the beginning of their term

Vice-President Communications:

Refer to Government Documents

  1. Coordinate, develop and present a marketing strategy for the BCC by August 15th

  2. Be responsible for the distribution of information onto the Master’s listserv, BCC listserv and any others that are deemed necessary on a monthly basis or more frequently if necessary

  3. Coordinate the planning and execution of YorkFest in collaboration with the YFS Director

  4. Be the liaison with Bethune affiliated clubs

  5. Ensure regular updates on the Bethune Dragons website, the Bethune College Facebook page, the Bethune College Council Facebook group, the Bethune College Instagram, and any other platforms deemed necessary by the BCC

  6. Create, print, and coordinate posters to be posted in the Bethune College building, Bethune residence, and other locations deemed necessary by the BCC

  7. Develop and provide merch for the council and for the college.

  8. Ensure pictures and videos are taken at orientation and social events and coordinate their distribution.

Orientation Chair:

Refer to Government Documents

  1. Be in charge of Frost Week and Frosh Week

  2. Review, edit and update the Orientation Package with the Assistance of the President prior to the end of the Winter Term;

  3. Build strong professional relationships with external and internal affiliates of Bethune College Council;

  4. Submit an initial budget to the Vice-President Finance and Bethune College Council for approval by May 14;

  5. Submit weekly budget updates (after approval of the initial budget) with full details to the VP Finance starting May 21;

  6. Contact vendors and negotiates contracts in conjunction with the BCC Vice- President Finance and with the approval of Council;

  7. Hire, train and supervises bosses, frosh leaders and other orientation support as needed with support from the Orientation Committee;

  8. Conduct two mandatory training sessions for the above volunteers (mid-July and late August) which are in addition to the mandatory University training session for orientation staff and volunteers in late August;

  9. Meet weekly with the Orientation Committee of Bethune College Council starting the week of May 14;

  10. Meet bi-weekly with the Office of the Master in conjunction with the Orientation Committee regarding the schedule and events starting the week of May 14;

  11. Attend all Bethune College Council meetings to give a progress report on the status of orientation plans and budget;

  12. The Orientation Committee and Council must approve of all products to be purchased with the orientation budget. Including but not limited to t-shirts, frosh kits, and leader apparel;

  13. All swag orders and orientation contracts with both internal departments as well as external companies shall be finalized and signed off with the departments/companies by July 15 or earlier depending on the vendor deadline requirements. This means the following has been officially signed off by July 31 by the President/VP Finance: swag quantities, sizes, artwork, prices and delivery dates; contracts for security, TUUS forms, York services (service requests), catering (both on campus and off), external vendors, campus partners;

  14. The Orientation Committee and Council must approve of all events that will be taking place during frosh week and with the orientation budget;

  15. Any material purchased with the orientation budget is property of the Bethune College Council. Any surplus material remaining at the end of Social Orientation must be returned to the Bethune College Council under the direction of the Vice- President External. This includes but is not limited to t-shirts, leader apparel, frosh kits, decorations, and food/drinks.

  16. Comply with all Bethune College Council financial procedures as outlined and detailed by the Vice-President and with support from the Orientation Committee;

  17. Finalize all Social Orientation finances within 14 business days of Social Orientation ending;

  18. Attend all YODA/SCLD sanctioned meetings;

  19. Work with the Bethune Masters’ Office and SCLD with any obligations and requirements that they may need;

  20. Work in tandem between SCLD and Bethune College between regular office hours throughout the summer term;

  21. Submit a final detailed report (including event details as well as financial information) along with recommendations by September 30th of the given year;

  22. Attend all summer general meetings;

  23. Attend all activities during the Bethune Orientation Week;

  24. Be available on a daily basis during Orientation week, and one week prior to Orientation;

  25. Have previous experience in social programming and outstanding organization skills;

  26. Not commit to another full time position;

  27. Have previously participated in Bethune Social Orientation week as a captain, leader, or o-chair;

  28. All members of council participating in Social Orientation excluding the President, Executive Vice-President and Vice President of Finance will report to the Orientation Chair(s) during Social Orientation in the case of the President’s absence;

  29. With regards to council members, any disciplinary action must be agreed upon by the Orientation Chair (s) and the President. Disciplinary action will be executed when deemed necessary by the President or Executive Vice President;

  30. Have the frost week budget completed and approved one month in advance

  31. Coordinate frost week events with other colleges through YODA and SAYU, with the help of the Vice- President Social as needed.

Director of Finance:

Refer to Government Documents

1. Assist the Vice-President Finance with all financial matters deemed necessary by the Vice-President Finance & the BCC.


Please refer to the Bylaws below.


Refer to Government Documents

  1. The Speaker shall act as Chair of the Council and shall ensure proper procedure during all meetings of the Council.

  2. In the absence of the Speaker, the President shall act as Chair of the Council, except as determined by a majority vote of the Council.

  3. The Speaker shall be a non-voting member of the Council.

  4. The Speaker shall use applicable law, the Bethune College Council Constitution, other Bylaws of the BCC, York University policy, College policy, Robert’s Rules of Order, their own discretion, and a flip of a coin, in that order, in determining all questions of procedure before them.

  5. Only the Speaker shall have the authority to bar Council members from voting on a motion where the Member has a conflict to interest

  6. All decisions of the Speaker may be reversed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council, except regarding applicable law, the Constitution and Bylaws of the BCC from which there is no appeal.


Refer to Government Documents

​Please refer to the Bylaws below.

Chief Returning Officer:

Refer to Government Documents

  1. The Chief Returning Officer, hereby referred to as the CRO, shall oversee the online voting process;

  2. Be in charge of all matters pertaining to the holding of BCC elections (e-Vote or by ballot), By-elections, or referenda, including the checking of the Voters List (Community Regular Members) from the Head's Office; the receiving and certification of nominations; the posting of notices; the establishing of polls; the counting of ballots; the declaration of spoiled ballots; the declaration of successful candidates and all results; the declaration of successful referenda questions; the making of all such results known both to the outgoing Council and to the Community. They will be responsible for contacting e-Vote to set up the elections, getting the votes and providing York with the newly elected members. They shall also arrange for All-Candidates, public meeting for the Community after the closing of nominations and in the campaign week (except where a post/posts is/are filled by acclamation);

  3. Conduct the elections, By-elections, or referenda on days established by the Constitution, or by motion of the BCC;

  4. Ensure Council does not publicly promote candidates during the election period;

  5. Have their own vote counted only in the case of a tie and with respect to each such office;

  6. Otherwise maintain complete impartiality; they may take any complaints or charges of undue pressure or influence before the BCC for investigation and resolution;

  7. Have final authority to enforce all electoral regulations; or decide matters of contention or to take them before the BCC for resolution; they may disallow nominations or force the withdrawal of any candidate for documented just cause, and such a rejected person may appeal to the BCC for reconsideration;

  8. Be eligible to run for office in the BCC elections or By-Elections only if written notice of their resignation is given to the BCC President at least a week prior to the opening of all nominations for such elections or by-elections;

  9. Be replaced, in the event of their resignation by such deputy as is designated by the outgoing or present Council;

  10. Will have a meeting with all nominees before the start of the Campaign Period to determine their eligibility and commitment to run for office;

  11. Receive an honorarium for the performance of their duties, in the amount set and agreed upon in a regular meeting of the BCC.

  12. Once the voting period has concluded just prior to the votes being counted the CRO shall cast their vote. This vote shall be concealed and locked away under the watch of the Head of Bethune College and only be revealed in the case of a tie will it be used to break the tie.

  13. After elections are over, the Chief Returning Officer must release the final vote count along with the results of the elections in the Ratification Meeting

For more information about each position, please refer to the following Bylaws
(or visit BCC Constitutions and Bylaws)

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